Hello friends of Lettering Time!! Today I come to you with an article which you have been asking me for a long time and is finally here ;)
In this entry of Lettering Time we are going to review which the best typefaces for tattoos are, and we will understand better those typographies that have been well designed, with a minimum of quality in the construction of the different characters, a good spacing, a careful and well worked union between characters, etc.

I want to start emphasizing that, in my opinion, the smartest option would be to hire a professional letter handwritten design and order the custom design of the letters for our tattoo, since a tattoo is something tremendously personal, with which we want to convey something In particular, to remember someone or something, to revive a moment of our life or to reinforce us, and a typeface is not equally perceived by all people. Although it is true that there is a letter psycholy that makes us appreciate certain types of letter in one way or another, each individual has his own way of assimilating each letter style, and think about it, those letters are going to be used on the best and more important canvas that exists, our own skin. For these and other reasons my first option would be to order a personalized lettering. In this blog and in our social networks you can find great professionals and even I will be happy to work on the design of your tattoos.
That said, my next choice would be a paid typography and obviously of quality.
Like I will do with the free typefaces, with the paid ones I will not give you a long list without value, but we will provide you a brief series of typography but all perfect to be tattooed by their style, but above all by the quality with which they have been designed.
→ The best typefaces for tattoos – Paid - ←
I can't start this list of the best paid typefaces to be tattooed with other than the Piel script. This typography is simply perfect for tattoos and with the seal of quality of Ale Paul and Sudtipos there is nothing else to say.
We continue with a typography that is becoming a classic of the fonts used to be tattooed, Måns Grebäck's Feathergraphy, and yes friends, this typography is paid, although the poor is raped by countless pages, such a shame.
Other options if we want to bet for an elegant and light font for our tattoo are Angie Makes' Bellwethers and Resistenza's Mine.
If you bet on fonts with a certain handwritten air, agile and expressive, I recommend Al Fresco by Laura Worthington or Carolyna by Emily Lime. Undoubtedly, two great typographies of two of the most important typographers worldwide.
→ The best typefaces for tattoos - Free - ←
After seeing the perfect typefaces for tattoos that are paid we'll go with a small but careful selection of the best free typefaces for tattoos. You have to keep in mind that some of the following types are only free for your personal use and if we wish to use it for commercial purposes we must acquire its "premium" or payment version.
Here ends our article reviewing the best typefaces for tattoos, free and paid, and as you always know, we will be happy if you complete this entry leaving below, in the comments, those typographies that you consider perfect for tattoos.
We look forward to your contributions ;)